When a hobby becomes a new passion ....

When a hobby becomes a new passion ....


As the resident soaper/ bath and body creator of Snoozie Butter, I thought I'd take a look back at this fun and exploratory soap voyage over a few blog posts. 


From my first loaf of soap made at home to now it has been a bit of a journey. When we first started Snoozie Butter, we certainly had the idea of adding soaps/ bath bombs/ etc. as items you could add to a gift box of personalized items Susie and I created.  After that first loaf however we were hooked on bath and body ..... down the rabbit hole I went. 

I started small and easy, with melt and pour soap bases. Playing with colors and textures and scents. Those were lovely and fun for sure, and gave us ideas and inspiration for our line. While they were great options, I got to thinking (just like cooking at home) that I like knowing exactly what goes into/onto my body. The idea that I could take (for the most part) items I cook with - Oils and butters - and make something that nourishes my skin as it does my body was pretty awesome ... and I wanted to know and try every all of it!

I'm going to try to take you on that adventure if you are interested with these blog postings, and thought showing off my first soap would be fun. I will be posting every Sunday with this soaper evolution, along with bath & body musings and new ideas a-brewing etc. (spoiler ... Men's Line? Children's Line?).

First (pre-from scratch) Homemade Soap Loaf 

I give you our first venture down this path - melt and pour Oatmeal Honey and Vanilla! 

After plenty of YouTube tutorials, and Pinterest & Google articles, I thought this was a fun one to try .... and try and try I did (three times to get it right).  Melt and Pour soap; while easier to work with than cold-process, and a good introduction to soap making ... is still a skill to conquer.  I pulled from a few different recipes, and made this one my own. I never really thought about this pairing of scents before developing this soap loaf, and now we have a lip balm with those scents that have sold out and restocked already in our first month. Woohoo!

I knew an exfoliator was a must, so steel cut oatmeal seemed like a no brainer. I also wanted to mix a traditional Glycerin and a creamier soap - Goats Milk to give the best of both soap worlds in one bar. So the layers went as such: oatmeal, small layer of glycerin, goats milk and finished with glycerin. The honeycomb pattern was accomplished with a piece of bubble wrap laid on top at the end!

So sooo pretty, and fun to make. Who knows, maybe Snoozie Butter will include a fully melt and pour soap again.  Until then, please take a look at our holiday soaps (we still have a few left). We were able to mingle a little melt & pour into our lovely cold process recipe. Check them out, and get them while you can. 

Until next Sunday, I hope you have a terrific week and check out our site this week. New additions coming soon.

xo Margie

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